Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father! ~Lydia M. Child, Philothea: A Romance, 1836
This quote makes me think of my new favorite quotes: "I love you so much Daddy!" and "Jason? I want my Jason!" - Mollie, age 2.
Ya know, it takes a very special man to raise girls, and I don't think there's a better one out there than my sweet husband. It's absolutely melted my heart to watch Mollie and Jason's relationship grow, and I know she will be a stronger woman because of her Daddy. I am VERY blessed to have such a wonderful Daddy for my little girl, as well as some wonderful GRAND-Daddy's. This girl has 3 great men to look up to, learn from, and be loved by. I think she's going to turn out pretty good because of it :o) Thank you Poppa Kelly (the best dad I could have EVER asked for myself), Pop Pop, and PaPa for being a strong, positive influence on Mollie's life. We love you for it!
This quote makes me think of my new favorite quotes: "I love you so much Daddy!" and "Jason? I want my Jason!" - Mollie, age 2.
Ya know, it takes a very special man to raise girls, and I don't think there's a better one out there than my sweet husband. It's absolutely melted my heart to watch Mollie and Jason's relationship grow, and I know she will be a stronger woman because of her Daddy. I am VERY blessed to have such a wonderful Daddy for my little girl, as well as some wonderful GRAND-Daddy's. This girl has 3 great men to look up to, learn from, and be loved by. I think she's going to turn out pretty good because of it :o) Thank you Poppa Kelly (the best dad I could have EVER asked for myself), Pop Pop, and PaPa for being a strong, positive influence on Mollie's life. We love you for it!