Saturday, August 7, 2010

Jason's Talk Show Debut!

So, many of you may already know this story, but I thought I'd document it anyway.

One day last month, Jason gets a call saying that someone wants to take a swab of his DNA and send it to a lab in Iceland. WHAT!?! My thoughts exactly.

Here's the background: Jason's dad, Bruce, had a heart attack a few years ago. This was a surprise as he's a pretty healthy guy and is a runner. He's fine now, and is seeing doctors regularly to take a more proactive approach to his health. Throughout some of the tests they ran on him, they found out he had a link in his DNA that predetermined his risk for heart attacks. Well, his doctor is working with the lab in Iceland to conduct a study on these DNA links, and thought Bruce and Jason would be good subjects for the study. They offered to take Jason's DNA, and see if he inherited Bruce's heart attack gene.

Somewhere along the way, Mike Huckabee (former Governor of Arkansas and host of the Huckabee Show on Fox) heard of this and wanted to interview the guys on his show! So they got a free trip to New York, made it on the show, and saw few sights along the way. Here's a clip of the show and the dramatic results of Jason's test...hahaha (they always try to make things more dramatic on air). I think most exciting of all is that they got to meet Bob Barker! He was the guest host that day. Very cool!

Here are the clips to the show (thanks to Paul!) There are two clips, so you must watch both! :

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

so cool!!! and kinda scary :/
much better clips than the ones I sent you...glad to get the whole story. sorry i haven't called yet, it's been a little crazy around here. talk to you/see you soon I hope!