Today we celebrate our 7th Anniversary!! Woohooo!
Well, actually we celebrated on Saturday in observance of our 7th Anniversary. Close enough.
We had a wonderful day of just hanging out. Mollie went to spend time with her Nanny and Pop Pop (Thanks Bruce and Kelly!!) and let us have the day to ourselves. We decided that we wanted to do something a little different this year (dinner and a movie just gets old) so we had guy date/girl date! First, we ate lunch at a new cajun sports bar (Gator Bayou) and experienced fried alligator tail!!
Tastes like chicken. We spent the next part of our date (after almost getting rained out) at Rustic Range, the gun range just outside of Slaton, where we shot clay pigeons for a while. Yes, WE shot them, not just Jason! I was really impressed with him...he's a great shot and has amazing accuracy! I'm not too shabby myself, especially for not having done that in several years :o)
The great white hunter...or skeet shooter :o)
Annie Oakley...heheAfter that, we enjoyed some Spoonful's (yummy frozen yogurt place) and headed to the Moonlight Musical at the amphitheater in McKenzie Park! The show was "Hello Dolly" (which Jason had the lead male role in when he was in junior high) and it was great! I had never seen the show, but it's a cute, funny, and very musical little love story. The weather turned out to be perfect, the view was beautiful looking out over all the GREEN vegetation and full lake, and the company was fabulous :o)
The stage and amphitheater
old married folks
"Helloooooo, Dolly"We had a great day reconnecting with each other and just having fun. It was weird not having Mollie around all day, but nice to spend the time with my groom! I'm very blessed to be married to such a great guy and am looking forward to what's in store for us over the next seven years!